crazylady's Diaryland Diary



New Years Eve was very quite around these parts. BD and The Sister� were both working so Chupie and I hung out and did a whole lot of nothing. I was going to buy a bottle of sparkling cider for us to split but I was just that lazy. Midnight rolled around, we watched the ball drop and that was about it. The Sister� brought coffee and ice cream home and the child had a few spoons and fell asleep watching Ice Age. I�m telling you, it should be illegal to be this out of control.

I had intended to clean the house today but aside from two loads of dishes that just isn�t happening. I am debating mixing up a virgin Bloody Mary (I�d call it a Virgin Mary but that squicks me out) to see if some sort of sodium deficiency is to blame for my laziness.

It seems I need to redo my layout here as all my lovely pictures have disappeared and my name is crossed off on Moviegrrls page and she designed and hosts my stuff. Oh well, New Year, new layout.

I�m going to toss the sign-up like for my Notifylist up here in case anyone is interested. I intend to keep this up better this year because it�s how I reference what I do with my time. Sad. It�s just so very sad.

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