crazylady's Diaryland Diary



The last thing I needed this morning while whizzing down the traffic-free expressway on my way to yet another job interview was Billy Joel reminding me that �only the good die young�. Thanks Billy! Here I am a relatively smart nearly 30 year-old and I have to answer ads in the paper to find a job that doesn�t involve telemarketing or taking my clothes off for money. Thank you for reiterating to me that in fact I am NOT a good person since I am driving down this deserted expressway listening to the crappy classic rock station hoping with all my might that this isn�t some stupid scam job that involves selling knives to home-bound retirees.

A drive I had assumed would take at least 45 minutes ended up taking me less than 15 and there wasn�t even a line at Tim Horton�s, I was painfully early. So I get to the office where my appointment is and I sit in the parking lot for over a half hour. I called my mother since she was the only person I knew for sure that would be awake in the morning. She had a hearty laugh at my expense, so at least I brightened someone�s day.

When it was finally time for the interview I walked into the building and realized I smelled�I made the fatal mistake of wearing a shirt made of synthetic fabric. Synthetic fabric does not mesh well with my overactive sweat glands. As I mentioned somewhere earlier this week, it smells as if a thousand angry cats marked me as their territory. Now rest assured I do in fact use a deodorant, one of those lovely all-natural crystal ones and it does keep the cats away�unless I�m wearing a synthetic fabric. Now I should just get rid of the shirt in question but it is my favorite shirt. Burnt orange with charcoal gray mod-ish squares on it. Casual, dressy�the perfect shirt! Alas, I think the time has come to get rid of Ol� Orangey. I can�t risk not being hired because it is mistaken that I live in a dumpster with a herd of feral cats.

Stink aside, the interview went very well. I type an astounding 44WPM. In my defense they had one of those little teeny keyboards whereas I am accustomed to my spacious and ergonomic Microsoft Natural keyboard. The California King of keyboards. But I did have 100% accuracy, which shocked me. I have a tendency to just start making things up when giving something to type, like auto-edit or something.

Anyhow, I should hear something in the next few days. I also had someone call me from a bank regarding a part-time teller position. Anyone ever do that kind of work? We�ll see. We�ve got some big plans in the next few months and it would be nice to have money to complete them.

3:39 p.m. - 01.04.05


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