crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I�ve spent the past two night melting CD�s into candleholders. It�s much more fun than it sounds. We�ve decided to do a craft each month on the website so being a head honcho I figured I should at least attempt the craft. I�ve found it more addictive than marble magnets, and even I find that hard to believe. So now I�ve got about 20 CD candles holders/candy dishes that are taking up about 1000 times more space than the flat CD�s they formerly were. Genius I tell you.

Now I have this insatiable urge to craft but own no craft supplies. I sewed a band patch over some obscene embroidery of the Hatchet Man on BD�s hat and I sewed the bottom stitch of a pillow. I attempted to sew some patches onto Chupies hoodie but all I have is black thread and the patches are rimmed in white. Maybe I�ll find something else to melt.

I have an enormous pile of laundry that needs to be folded but Chupie keeps sitting on it to read her books so I guess I�d better leave it. There are also 6 bags of crap waiting to be dropped off at some charitable place or another but they don�t seem to be going anywhere. The Giftmas tree is still up as are the Giftmas cards. Every day The Sister� says �You know Christmas is over, right?�

I sent almost all of the Giftmas thank you cards out on Monday, I feel so productive. I also finally sent my girl Whitney a box of goodies that arrived today unharmed and to much rejoicing. I was glad.

You know I can buy a 6 pack of PBR in the can for $5 out the door downstairs?

Apparently they�re opening an IKEA in the metro area in the next year or so, that makes me giddy.

I am thinking of getting a paper route (no, really) as I don�t think you need to have a college degree to get one.

I�ve yet to do anything with the layout here, I�ve been too busy melting things in the oven.

Okay, I�m running on empty here and the child needs to go to bed.

The Notifylist seems to be running on the spotty side. I may have to start sending out notifications myself if it doesn�t shape up.

11:15 p.m. - 01.06.05


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