crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I spent the weekend spring cleaning the kitchen. I finally got BD to remove the broken fridge after seven months. It took a bribe, but I�m glad it�s gone.

We went grocery shopping today and that�s always a thrill. BD is the only man I know that will turn down steak and shrimp. Every time we go shopping he whines about steak and shrimp, I tell him to get steak and shrimp because he always wants it and suddenly he has never wanted it. What ever. I splurged and bought wheat germ for my oatmeal and yogurt. I�m out of control.

I attempted to spring clean the bathroom today but BD was apparently too busy playing with his new toy to notice the child removing all of her clothes and running around screaming �Bath! Bath! Bath!� I was able to clean out under the sink while she splashed around with Mr. Bubble though. I threw out a ton of make up and nail polish as it had all gone bad. And I never wear make up or nail polish.

I think tomorrow I will call Purple Heart to schedule a pick up of the 6+ bags of clothes and miscellaneous household things currently sitting in the bedroom. As we may be moving in June I need this shit gone so I am not dusting and storing the same crap I�ve been dusting and storing for the past 10 years. Now to convince BD he doesn�t need an entire Rubbermaid container of socks�that don�t match.

I tried the much fabled �oil cleansing method� on my face tonight. I fear I am becoming a hippie in my old(er) age. I am also going to use my yoga tapes starting next week AND go in for a physical AND go get my eyes checked. You know, do everything I should have been doing for the past 5 years all in one week.

2:07 a.m. - 02.01.05


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