crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I wasted most of my free time today ripping all the CDs I own onto my computer. You see, all the CDs are in the living room waaaaaay over there while I am always right here so it makes no sense to keep them there. Plus, we have no stereo in the living room.

So get this, another of my ex-boyfriends is gay. That makes two in the past six months. Thankfully I have had a lot of boyfriends so my average is still okay.

Tomorrow is an exciting day around here, I get to mop, plan the menu for next week and make a grocery list. It�s painfully action packed around here. Tonight I made chicken piccatta except I didn�t have chicken so I used boneless pork chops.

While Chupie bathed I was able to wax my eyebrows, which is a very good thing. I was starting to look like those cavemen in the insurance commercials. �That is sooo condescending� I also filed my nails in hopes of buffing them but of course I promptly and painfully busted one off. Of course.

Chupie has been *gasp* actually sleeping in her bed for most of the night. I no longer wake up feeling like Wile E Coyote after he gets smashed into the side of a mountain and turns all spring-ish.

I have had a powerful urge to go to a roller rink lately.

On tomorrow�s to-do list: buy more Peeps and stock up on Cadbury eggs.

Kirk out.

3:06 a.m. - 03.16.05


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