crazylady's Diaryland Diary



Many check-marks were made on my printed out Excel sheet of household chores today. I also found a large patch of the bedroom floor underneath a bunch of crap. After I vacuumed it actually looked decent. I also made my swap cd for the MT random cd swap. How cool am I?

I have plans to get together with Gay Ex #2� on Saturday. He lives in the same town as my mother so he�s going to visit. I�m sure there will be many cigarettes, coffees and beers ingested. Hopefully he won�t replay that ugly throw up all over moms front door� incident from many years ago.

BD had an early Giftmas tonight. My friends �Ted� and �Bethany� are moving soon so �Ted� is being forced to rid himself of extra computer crap. So having a Frig gene BD went and picked up a big box of it up. Of course had I not told him about it he would not have known, but I�m terrible at keeping secrets. Apparently he found some things he can use. I am impressed, however, that he took what he couldn�t use to the dumpster along with other assorted crap. I think we at least broke even as far as crap goes.

I may splurge tonight and take a bath. I know, I�m out of control. Summer is just around the corner though and I�d best get back in the habit of shaving my legs.

Kirk out.

11:24 p.m. - 03.16.05


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