crazylady's Diaryland Diary



The child and I spent the weekend at my mothers. She was an angel almost the entire time we were there. I was impressed. She even went to bed at a decent hour last night which threw me all off.

Saturday night the Second Gay Ex� (who will from here on out be referred to as Will for obvious reasons) came over for dinner and drinks. We were up until 3AM talking like old ladies at a church potluck. We had a great time and the child was very charming and nearly polite. She even went to be without much fuss so Will and I could continue our chat. We have tentative plans to get together for lunch this week as he works very near here. I�m so excited, it�s like I�ve got a new old friend�or an old new friend or something. Plus he�s a fan of Dr. Sam so he can�t be half bad.

My fantastic new housecleaning routine has served me well as I returned to a nearly spotless house, almost exactly how I had left it. Of course this also makes me think that the child and I are the cause of the mess, which is probably true.

I skipped out on making dinner tonight which actually throws my menu off by a day so I am resisting the urge to cook tonight�s dinner as tomorrows breakfast just to keep my system in-line, as I know how anal retentive that is.

I entered Kelsi's writing contest tonight. I feel accomplished.

I am actually slagging through my backlog of things to finish for the website . I guess slagging isn�t the correct term as that makes it sound like work; I just haven�t found the right slot of time to concentrate on the work there. It doesn�t help that BDs is starting to work a lot again so he�s not here to child-wrangle for an hour so I can focus.

Eh, I suppose I should go fold towels now. The excitement really never ends I tell you.

Kirk out.

10:34 p.m. - 03.21.05


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