crazylady's Diaryland Diary



So obviously I�ve told The Sister� about our move. There were several hours of the silent treatment but eventually it all worked out.

I started sorting and packing the bedroom closet yesterday. So far it�s a bigger mess than when I started but I chalked that up to the old �darkest before the dawn� nonsense. We�ve got six weeks before we move so I don�t really have to rush, but I�m not waiting until the last minute either. The most fun will be forcing BD to get rid of half the shit he�s got stacked up around here. He�s totally Frigged out since moving in here proving the point that the more space a person has the more stuff they will have.

Chupie is a nutcase. She�s recently become obsessed with playing games on the Nick Jr website. Now BD is bemoaning the fact he�ll have to upgrade her computer to get it online so she doesn�t hog his. I sense a disagreement coming up. At least at the new house she and I can go play in the yard all day and save ourselves from the evil mind-melting waves that come from the computer.

The yogurt I had with lunch is giving me awful reflux.

Monday is our lazy day around here. Chupie isn�t even dressed yet and it�s almost 4:00. I figure I�ll wait until we go out for our walk after dinner to dress her, what the point otherwise? If we leave early enough we might go to the park tonight. I totally forgot there is a park two and a half blocks behind us. Oh yeah, I�m brilliant.

I have pictures of the new house and the Kitchen of Purple which is awful and will take many coats of Killz to fix. There are also wallpaper boarders and textured-like paint. We�ve got our work cut out for us but at least it will give me several months of things to bitch about and get stressed about. I�ll post them tomorrow after I resize them and stop laughing.

BD and I were discussing our need of a lawnmower yesterday. I said I wanted to get one of those old-timey push mowers with the spinning blades as we will have all of 20 square feet of lawn to mow. He laughed and said �Well then you�ll have to mow the lawn!� as if someone else was going to do it�He then suggested we hire a neighborhood kid to do it but I am so particular about things I don�t see it working out. We�ll also need to buy a garden hose for the garden I have grand plans for.

Okay, off for more sorting and packing.

Kirk Out

4:06 p.m. - 04.11.05


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