crazylady's Diaryland Diary



My sister-in-law to be had her bridal shower yesterday afternoon. Chupie was left in the care of her beloved Papa while my mother and I went to the shower. It was well, a bridal shower. Thankfully there were no games (sorry, but I think that shower games of any type are just stupid and not at all enjoyable) and the food was really good. My "precocious" cousin asked me "Isn't it weird that your little brother is getting married before you do?" to which The Sister replied, "Why would that be weird?". Seriously, the child needs to be taught to keep her mouth closed. There weren't even supposed to be any children at the shower at all but apparently no one in my family can follow directions. If I ever find myself getting married it will be at the courthouse and minus all the drama and crap.

Chupie survived staying with her Papa just fine. Her clothing showed no evidence of over-consumption of ice cream sandwiches either, so that was a good sign.

I seem to be the only one freaking out about moving so either I'm overreacting or (and this is my favorite theory) everyone else has their heads up their ass. We have to be out of here by the 1st of June as there are people moving into our bedroom and although it is a large bedroom, it is not quite THAT large nor are we all about sleeping communally. So we've got 15 days to move, all but ONE of those days BD is working. We have no plan, no one to help and I won't even broach the subject of money.

On the other hand, I got a massage this afternoon from my sister-in-law to be so I can't really complain about anything. Although by the end of the evening I can guarantee everything will be just as tense as it was before, if not worse.

I need to plan this week's menu and make a grocery list but it's just not happening. The laundry beckons as well. The fun TOTALLY never stops around here. Totally.

6:35 p.m. - 05.16.05


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