crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I am now convinced that my future sister-in-law was angry with me and secretly took it out on me during my massage. I am so sore I wish I could curl up and sleep for a few days. Maybe she was trying to get out some of the stress of her upcoming nuptials�either way, ouch.

I packed some more things today. Chupie promptly unpacked them so we�re back at square one.

I watched the Britney/Kevin train wreck tonight while prepping veggies for the rest of the week. It was horrible and I don�t recommend it to anyone. Of course I am going to go out of my way to watch it again next week.

I still have no idea how we�re going to get moved. It�s not like everyone is busy Memorial Day weekend or that BD is busy at the theater AND the music festival. I need a time machine and a teleporter. Anyone?

I am entertaining the though of taking a bath but I am afraid I�ll fall asleep and no one would notice until there isn�t any dinner tomorrow night. No, that�s not true, the child will likely need to brush her teeth seven times and sit on the potty for an hour and a half so I would probably be discovered before tomorrow.

Here�s a glimpse of the disaster of a kitchen in the new house. Now granted the table and all the crap on it won�t be there but the matte purple walls, bamboo blinds and lovely wallpaper border will still be there. I highly suggest you all buy stock in Killz immediately.

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Okay, I am off to do something most likely unproductive and ultimately frustrating.

10:19 p.m. - 05.17.05


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