crazylady's Diaryland Diary



Today I packed nothing, the house apparently trashed itself while I wasn�t looking and the child has not stopped talking for more than 35 seconds all day.

In other news I never did fold the laundry yesterday so it�s sitting in a pile on the floor mocking me.

Apparently I took today off.

I can�t find the top of my desk even though I already packed almost everything that normally sits there. I have decided I am selling all of the child�s toys before we move so I don�t have to pack them or trip over them in the new house.

I am debating staying up tonight and straightening up after everyone goes to sleep so I don�t wake up to this trashed place in the morning. Hopefully the child won�t notice all her toys are missing.

I am entertaining the thought of stripping the coffee table and end table Friday while the family is at BD�s grandmothers house. The Sister� has offered them to us as the child has ruined the finishes on them will her various beverages over the past years.

Okay, at least it was an attempted update. I�m off the search the net for time machines and teleporters.

11:24 p.m. - 05.18.05


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