crazylady's Diaryland Diary



Will apparently had a seizure yesterday at work. He was "unconscious" for about 30 minutes. He was taken to the hospital and released with orders to see a neurologist. As of last night he was "okay" but scared. I made sure his parents had my phone number and knew to call if anything happened. It took me forever to fall asleep but at least my phone didn't ring in the middle of the night.

My thoughts go out to everyone in London now as well, that's all I can really say about that.

My mother bought Chupie a new pair of tennis shoes while she was here. These are no ordinary shoes. They light up. A lot. It's like a disco on the child's feet. And they have hearts on them so she calls them her "kissy shoes"�. She had to wear them out of the store and then told me I could "Never, never, never put them away". She actually did take a nap in them (she fell asleep sitting in the cart at the hardware store) but we snuck them off of her when we got home. Yesterday she wore her new shiny blue baby suit (bathing suit) all day even though she didn't go swimming. The child is odd I tell you.

Today I need to clean the house and possible do more work in the yard. I'm feeling kind of blah. Mother offered to pick the child and I up today and I'd like to see my brother and his wife before they leave for Texas but I think we'll just stick around here. Plus the garbage men never came yesterday (after the city website assured me that pick up wouldn't be delayed for the holiday) and I want to see if they take all the stuff on the curb. If they do, I've got just as much for the next week. If they don't I'm finding a dump this weekend.

10:37 a.m. - 07.08.05


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