crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I spent some time in the backyard tonight attempting to cut a few medium-sized trees into smaller pieces with a pair of pruning shears. I gave up and made fajitas. For reference, this is what the yard looks like right now. The soil is apparently in great shape since the previous owner did NOTHING to it and just let everything rot.

I plan on spending my weekend doing as much as I can back there. Chupies birthday is next month and I�m having the party here and I would rather the guests not have to Crocodile Dundee their way to the grill.

Tonight�s excitement involves finding the floor in the child room. I�m pretty sure it�s somewhere underneath all the toys but I could be wrong.
Oh yes, and Happy Canada Day!

10:28 p.m. - 07.01.05


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