crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I discovered that buried in my nine million digital cable channels that we get this little gem. Last night the Best Friend� and I watched Punk: Attitude followed up by the Filth and the Fury . It was like high school all over again. The channel has a lot of great programming on it besides punk nostalgia-fests. this looks like a great show. Maybe one day when SpongeBob isn�t contaminating the television I�ll get to catch it.

So GI Jerk and his lovely bride didn�t leave yesterday, they were supposed to leave first thing this morning. Well not only did they have to run all over bumfuck to pick up the Uhaul trailer but it was discovered that their truck has a leak in the gas tank. Cue my step-dad the mechanic�Apparently they were to get one about 11AM so they could still leave today. It�s a 28 hour drive and I guess they�re not in a real time crunch yet. I�m telling you, it�s a good thing my brother didn�t become a Merchant Marine, he plus traveling equals nothing but trouble.

The birds are going to eat me out of house and home. I filled the feeder yesterday afternoon and it was empty when I woke up this morning. I was doing some research on bat houses yesterday but it seems I really don�t have the room. They suggest putting them on a 15 foot tall pole. I have a feeling the neighbors would object. They object to everything. The previous owner didn�t believe in yard work and assumed that it was quite normal to dump trash in ones backyard. The neighbors on one side see it fit to do nothing but bitch about the previous owner (even after mother trimmed all of our trees off their property) and the other neighbor has some sort of stick and/or bug up her ass and won�t so much as wave. Sometime this week she hacked down all the growth from her side of the fence. My plan was to take care of it for her but she can kiss my ass instead.

It already feels like its a billion degrees outside. I got most of the hole dug for my clothesline last night. Chupie insisted on helping which was no real help at all. Maybe tonight while the family is away I can finish it.

BD got a new job. It�s actually his old job but with better pay. He offered to marry me so I could get on his insurance plan. See, and you all thought romance was dead.

11:40 a.m. - 07.15.05


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