crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I�m getting a *new* stove. For free. I love free. I was sitting here this morning when an offer for �1940's/50's gas stove - fabulous shape, works perfectly!� comes up. The email had a link to a picture and since we need to replace the stove here I thought I�d check it out, mostly for grins and giggles. Well I admit I peed a little when I clicked and saw this . As fast as my fingers could type I responded to the offer-er(?). She emailed me back very quickly and asked when I could pick it up. *Shock* So BD is going to pick it up tomorrow! It�s AMAZING and FREE, two of my favorite things really. WE won�t be able to hook it up until next week as I am going to Chicago this weekend and BD is working Warped Tour with his t-shirt company.

Seeing how both of us are busy this weekend the child is staying with my mother. This will be the first time in her near three years of existence that we have been apart. I have not begun to freak out about it but I don�t doubt it will happen at some point. Mother says she�s prepared which I presume means my Step-Father has the freezer stocked with ice cream sandwiches and handed the local ice cream truck the child itinerary for the weekend. At least I know she won�t be lacking in calcium.

I have a comically long list of things to do before I leave Friday. Of course it is all things I could have been doing for the past month but just didn�t. I haven�t seen the top of my dresser since we moved in and I hear there is a �folding and putting away� step to laundry I�ve been skipping. I also need to straighten Chupies room. Apparently installing carpet doesn�t magically keep the toys from spreading themselves all over the floor, who knew?

It has been painfully humid here so I�ve loosened the purse strings and turned the AC on. I thought it would help me be more productive until I discovered there is a vent RIGHT under my desk making sitting on the computer the coolest thing to do in the house. I�ve taken to wearing my bikini top and shorts during the day as well, thankfully we don�t get any door-to-door salesmen and the Jehovahs Witnesses haven�t been back since the first weekend we moved in.

I think I have abandoned the idea of putting in a bat house. As much as I�d like to they recommend you mount it on a 15 foot-high pole and I think the neighbors would complain. Of course, I think the neighbors would complain about everything if we actually spoke. Never mind that we�ve already increased the value of the house by cutting the jungle out of the backyard and the driveway no longer looks like Fred Sanford lives here. THIS is why I didn�t have neighbors for four years.

Okay, I�m off to do something productive like mix another jar of facial cleanser and painting my toenails�

9:56 p.m. - 07.25.05


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