crazylady's Diaryland Diary



The majority of people annoy me, but that shouldn�t come as a surprise.

The Best Friend� and I attempted to go to the bar last night but it was closed. Apparently they had no power. So we went to the Italian Place for sangria and then onto the bar with no nickname. Really, I have no business having so many cocktails in the middle of the week but we had a good time.

Holy crap I�m going to Chicago tomorrow. I should probably think about getting packed, eh? I did actually finish (read: washed, dried FOLDED and PUT AWAY) the laundry yesterday so packing should be fairly easy.

I grilled a huge steak yesterday. I impressed myself really. I think the grill and I have come to an understanding.

I finally caught on to what the fat bastard birds have been doing to the feeder. They get the fattest most bastard bird to land on the feeder and dump all the seeds out on the ground so that the rest of the fat bastard birds can eat. Clever. And I realized yesterday that my skunk problem (oh yes, there is a skunk problem) is coming from the yard behind us. AWESOME! Skunk smell is like the most nauseating thing EVER! The problem is the house is for sale and currently vacant so no one is there to even notice. Meanwhile I am constantly filling in the damn hole where the stupid things are burrowing under my fence. They wouldn�t bother me if they didn�t feel the need to CONSTATNLY spray. Ugh.

So today I need to finish cleaning the house, I�m so excited I could puke.

8:53 a.m. - 07.28.05


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