crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I am leaving for Chicago in 18 hours or so. I am not packed. The child is not packed for her weekend at grandmas. The house is a mess, last nights dinner dishes are still in the sink. I am a wreck.

My mother is picking the child up in the early afternoon tomorrow. I figure after they leave I can bathe and pull myself together, maybe even sneak in a nap. I have lists of what needs to be packed, lists of what the child will eat and lists of emergency numbers in Chicago for my mother. Sadly writing lists isn�t really getting me any closer to being ready. I am procrastinating.

I can�t find my waxing strips and my eyebrows have grown together. This means I will have to pluck which always ends in disaster. My hair is about two inches longer than it should be and looks nothing short of awful. I will be wearing pony tails the entire weekend.

My lovely NLIG� (non-lesbo internet girlfriend) bought me two packs of this . that makes me giddy. She leaves Denver tomorrow at the Ass Crack of Dawn and will get into Chicago at 9AM. The Best Friend� and I should be there about 10PM. Lord only knows what we�ll do tomorrow night, maybe find a dive bar somewhere close and have a few cocktails.

Saturday we�ve been invited to a brunch and then I�m hoping to hit Trader Vic�s for (what else) a pina colada. Although my hair will be less than perfect I still think it�s cool. Then Saturday evening we are going here .

Sunday there is a barbeque and then back home. Should be a grand time. I am hoping to meet with the First Gay Ex on Saturday for a drink at Trader Vic�s, we�ll see though. His movie is opening that night so he may be busy.

BD and Chupie spent a large chunk of time cleaning the new oven. They took it all apart and cleaned things that no one will ever see but it kept them busy and served as a bonding moment. The child is currently wide awake and watching television while standing on her head. We did nothing today aside from taking a �snuggle day� which consisted of napping, eating and, of course snuggling. It was very sweet. I feel lucky I can stay home with her and sometimes I don�t think I appreciate that as much as I should.

Seen as how it is already midnight and I�ve done nothing I suppose I should get to getting. I may have time to update while pacing around waiting for The Best Friend�. If not there will be a full report on Monday.

12:05 a.m. - 07.29.05


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