crazylady's Diaryland Diary



So The Best Friend� will be here in about four hours. I am still not packed. The child was just picked up by my mother. I am feeling very shaky about that but I know she�ll be fine, we�ve just never been apart (I know, time to cut the umbilical chord).

Mother brought my �precocious� cousin with her and my house is a wreck. Hopefully it doesn�t get back to the family that we live in a dump in the ghetto. Neither of which is true, it�s just family is like playing telephone.

The women on the board figured out that since there are 4 members meeting and 192 members on the board total each of us in Chicago has to have 34.7 drinks in order for us to drink for everyone. They are sending asprin and Gatorade. I think it�s really funny that we run a parenting website and our cross-country get together is centered around drinking. Thank goodness Chicago has cabs.

So as soon as I muster up the energy to get up I need to shower (heck I might even use my fancy schmancy spa tub that scares the bejesus out of the child) straighten my hair, pluck my eyebrows, throw a coat of nail polish on, go over my list one more time and get everything into my suitcase. Then perhaps I�ll have time for a little tiny nap before liftoff.

I must remember to stop at Tim Horton�s for Maple donuts as the NLIG has requested some and Timmy�s hasn�t yet made it to Colorado. Not that I would forget to stop for coffee. You can plainly see I am stalling for some reason. I�ve been typing this for ten minutes now and frankly this isn�t really worth ten minutes. You�d think I was going for a mouthful of root canals instead of a social visit. Okay�really going now. Wish my liver luck.

2:07 p.m. - 07.29.05


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