crazylady's Diaryland Diary



I am attempting to change my html. It is aggravating me.

My new stove is here and I love it. Of course we have no idea how to hook it up so maybe we�ll just leave it in the living room and put books in it.

I accomplished next to nothing today except dinner, which was awful anyhow. Thankfully we are a household that believes that hot sauce will save any meal.

Remember that person that started all that trouble on the guestbook when I got pregnant? Screaming about the welfare kids and whatnot? I wonder what happened to them.

I am going to be up all night finishing everything on my list I wanted to do during the day. Perhaps I should go get another coffee�

Okay, I�m going to wrestle with this stupid html some more. Wish me luck.

11:00 p.m. - 07.26.05


72505.html 72805.html

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