crazylady's Diaryland Diary



Last weekend was nice. Chupie and I snagged a ride from The Best Friend� out to my mothers house. Saturday I watched the Best Friends� niece which was nice but reiterated the fact that until Chupie is well into her 20�s I really do not want another child. Saturday night while mother was on the phone with Karen From Louisiana� Will came over and we drank coffee and Hot Damn. Sunday my grandmother threw herself a birthday party so we got to see some family. It wasn�t painful.

My step dad won Chupie a HUGE basket of toys and snacks from a VFW raffle. She loves it and so do I except for the shredded paper they cushioned the basket with. It has been dragged from one end of the house to the other. A smarter person would just throw it away but then a smarter person wouldn�t have anything to bitch about.

No real plans for the long weekend except a family barbeque at BD�s cousins� house. I assume it will be awkward even though I�ve known everyone for years I�ve never really spoken to them and I�m really not a social person. Oh well, expect the worst.

I am supposed to trot up to the bar tonight with The Best Friend� but since Chupie took a stupidly late nap last night and then proceeded to stay up chortling at cartoons until the early morning I�m not sure if I�m in (or will be in) the state of mind to do it. We�ll see.

I made a new sourdough starter last night. I can�t wait to give the new oven a bread-baking whirl. I need to go pick up some terra cotta tiles this week though. You know, Home Depot on Labor Day weekend won�t be a total madhouse, right?

I made The Best Friend� what I thought was going to be a very cheesy birthday gift but it ended up cooler than I had imagined. Go me.

Today I get to clean the bathroom and tear down the canopy in the backyard. I can hardly contain my excitement.

Have I mention the skunks around here? There must be like a huge colony of them, all angry. Last night there was one screaming in the backyard right below our bedroom window. He (or she) then had to spray, filling the house with noxious skunk-ness. It�s like we�re living in the country.

Okay, need a warm-up on my coffee and a side of motivation.

10:39 a.m. - 08.31.05


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