crazylady's Diaryland Diary



Chupie had a wonderful birthday. Very low-key and stress free thankfully. The day of her birthday the MIL came over and kept an eye on the child so I could do some running around. When BD came home from work he and the child went to go buy some fish for her fish tank. Meanwhile the MIL and I decorated the house (well, we tried, we�re no Martha Stewart that�s for sure) and I frosted the purple cupcakes with yellow frosting.

Chupie was certainly surprised when she came home and found balloons and streamer and two huge gift bags chock full of all kinds of crap I had bought at the Dollar Store. She got coloring books and stickers and a little make-up kit and all sorts of things I can�t remember.

The next day The Sister� stopped by with more gifts that included clothes and a set of these which she had been eyeing in the Fisher Price catalog for months. That evening The Best Friend� brought her the obligatory SpongeBob book, Where the Sidewalk Ends and THIS which could totally be the coolest gift EVER. Last week our friends from Australia sent her this which she calls her �Happy book�.

Friday she went with BD to his grandmothers� house were she got chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream and a few dollars for her bank account.

I�d say she made out pretty good. She got macaroni and cheese for breakfast, mashed potatoes for lunch and chicken and cup cake for dinner. Sadly, two of the three fish we bought her have died. BD�s job tonight is to go to the aquarium shop and throw himself at their mercy. This is why we didn�t get a dog.

Oh yeah, I turn 30 tomorrow.

2:29 p.m. - 08.08.05


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