crazylady's Diaryland Diary



So Chupie had two of these rubber �Nemo� and �Dory� fish that were filled with little tiny round bits of plastic (think bean bag filling but tiny, tiny, tiny)�the other night one of them just EXPLODED all over the damn house. I have been vaccuming up little tiny plastic balls for three days�I�m lovin� it.

I spent most of the day tearing the living room apart and putting it back together. The whole not smoking thing has turned me into a toothbrush-wielding micro cleaner. It still looks like shit but at least it�s dust-free.

Chupie spent the day with The Sister�. It was nice until they came home and Chupie threw up on herself and then took a shit in the bath tub. I had a GREAT day. Oddly enough I only had two smokes and no one died. I�m telling you, the gum is amazing.

Chupie and I are heading to my parents house this weekend. If you can keep a secret I�ll tell you that we�re planning on moving out that way in the next six months. If you can�t keep a secret disregard that last sentence.

I made excellent potato soup tonight because I am amazing.

The child has been asleep for an hour, I should do the same�

11:34 p.m. - 09.21.05


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