crazylady's Diaryland Diary



We have lost power several times tonight due to some crazy thunder storms. Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds each time.

I found a big huge cricket in the kitchen while cleaning today. I did the adult thing and trapped it under a bowl for BD to take outside when he got home.

I have had three cigarettes today and three pieces of gum. Frankly, I didn�t really even want the cigarettes but it�s a habit to smoke them (duh, guess that�s why it�s so hard to quit) I am feeling really good and want to be 100% done by next weekend. I�m really impressed with my progress.

It took me nearly all day but I finished all the dishes (after three days of ignoring them). I even washed, dried, folded and put away all the laundry. Amazing.

The Best Friend� came over for laundry day. We watched Cops and ate my Kick Ass Potato Soup�. Thrilling, I know.

Chupie decided to color 75% of her body with a green marker today. I have started calling her The Incredible Jerk.


11:57 p.m. - 09.22.05


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