crazylady's Diaryland Diary


Contest Entry

This is my entry for Kelsi's writing contest and it's 100% TRUE!

When it came time for my mother to explain the birds and bees to me she took me in the bedroom with a beer and an encyclopedia. The beer was for her, the encyclopedia was for me. She explained to me, in slightly slurred yet anatomically correct terms what tampons were for and everything involving menstruation, becoming a woman and sex. I was thrilled really. I went to school the next day feeling like I’d found the holy grail of pre-teen knowledge. I asked my uninformed classmates if they had had the “TT” yet which was obviously an abbreviation of “the tampon talk”. Oh yeah, I was hot shit. Slowly through the year my friends learned the secrets about ovaries and uteri and whatnot. We formed a kind of gang, those with the knowledge were in, those without were stuck in little girl land. We carried ourselves like the pre-pre-teens we were. Some of us carried “supplies” in our purses even though we were all of 11 and these wonderful changes were a few years down the road for us. We watched commercials for panty liners and maxi-pads with a hopeful gleam in our eyes. We started to understand what the word “feminine” meant when used in conjunction with the terms “freshness” and “itch”. It was 3 years before I was able to put the golden knowledge to personal use, and on that fateful day while I was doubled over in the most excruciating pain I’d ever felt in my young life I cursed the naïve girl I had been 3 years before. Instead of a badge of womanhood I had an awkward diaper on. It certainly didn’t explain any of that in the encyclopedia.

12:13 a.m. - 04.05.05


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