crazylady's Diaryland Diary



So, after a few hours of sleep the in-laws finally woke up and let us in. Chupie and I crashed on the couch for a few more hours while BD made small talk with his stepmother. It was a fairly uneventful visit. We didn�t have the Clint Eastwood film fest of last year, it was actually hour after hour of The Worst Snowstorms Ever Ever Ever on the History channel. Lovely stuff. Chupie was of course spoiled with many things SpongeBob including cereal and cookies. BD was given a photo album of old and quite hilarious pictures of himself growing up. The man had a fro for most of his life even though he claims he �Brushed it out as a joke�. I got a snowman soap dispenser.

Of course we had Cornish game hens for dinner on Wednesday. I don�t like Cornish game hen. It�s like joke food. Sure it tastes good but it a hassle to eat. The meal was accompanied by a lovely red wine served very cold

The drive home was uneventful. We got here, had our little soiree and then packed up early on Giftmas Eve to head to my mothers house. Chupie went into �fweasant� overload and started attacking everyone�s presents with a plastic hammer. She was quickly sedated with several pounds of Giftmas chocolate. My mother, who I think is losing it, told me �As soon as the ham is done we can stuff the stockings��BD napped for about 14 hours, sleeping through most of the gift opening and general merriment.

The child was of course spoiled again. We all bought her different pieces of the Little People Town which now takes up a good portion of the common living area at the apartment. My mother and I are weak, weak women and had allowed Chupie to open three of her presents the week before and this cause my mother to go out and buy the child even more toys. Amazingly enough the child is still enraptured by these new playthings and it�s been almost a week. That�s like�forever to a two year old.

Christmas day we made our last stop of the season to the MIL�s. I, after two years of starving to death because I�m also watching the child, sat down immediately and ate a huge plate of food while BD kept an eye on the child and the relatives. Chupie received even more Little People things which she was totally ecstatic about. The BIL and I drank a bottle of wine in about 45 minutes and that made things a lot less stressful.

All in all it was a nice time but I really hate the obligation that goes along with gift giving. Next year I will stand firm on my �no gifts� policy for myself as I think it�s just silly. Spoil the child all you want but for Pete�s sake, keep your festive holiday soap dispensers.

2:38 p.m. - 01.01.05


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